Nexus File Manager adalah aplikasi file manager seperti layaknya windows explorer. Kelebihan dari aplikasi ini dibanding dengan windows explorer yaitu memiliki dua sisi dalam satu windows (dual pane) dan dalam tiap pane Anda dapat membuka directory maupun folder ke dalam new tab, sehingga aktifitas copy & cut dokumen atau file lebih mudah dan efisien. Disamping itu aplikasi ini juga supports ZIP, RAR, ARJ, ACE, ALZ extraction and ZIP compression sehingga tidak perlu memerlukan program lain untuk membuka file tersebut, dan masih banyak lagi feature lainnya. Sangat menarik bukan?
Screenshot & Features:
Dual Pane You can see two folders side by side. And it makes you to do compare, navigate and copy/move operations fast and effectively.
Multi-Tab Besides dual pane, you can use tabs on each pane. Use Ctrl+Tab to navigate through tabs opened.
FTP NexusFile supports simple FTP functions. So you don't need to launch another FTP client for a little FTP operations.
Archive NexusFile supports ZIP, RAR, ARJ, ACE, ALZ extraction and ZIP compression without any external programs. 7z, iso and other formats will be supported soon.
Colors You can customize colors by file types. This helps distinguishing files at glance.
Advanced Rename Insert, Delete, Find/Replace, Numbering and more can be done with Advanced Rename. Also you can combine these actions and save so you can use it later.
Work Folder If you set a folder as an work folder. you can go to that folder with shortcut key right away. Also copy/move/extract files/folders to an work folder with only two step keyboard shortcut. (ex: Alt+C -> 1(Work Folder Number).
Shortcut Keys Almost all functions have their shortcut key. So you can manage files very fast without moving your hand to the mouse. You can customize these shortcut keys.
Folder Tree NexusFile supports old NCD style folder tree(F10).
Skin Default skin is black. But if you don't like it, you can change skin by selecting menu [View > Skin].
Portable NexusFile doesn't use registry or any system folders. Download zip version if you want to carry NexusFile in your USB.
Baiklah silahkan langsung saja download 'Nexus File Manager 5.3.2' ini, di link yang sudah saya sediakan di bawah.